07 August 2016

Left, Right, Left...Where on Earth is the March of Globalization headed?

If you thought just politicians make strange bedfellows, you're missing the big picture. These days, just about every third individual on the street makes a strange bedfellow for a whole lot of folks who consider themselves to be the end of all wisdom. They're a highly opinionated lot and they are ready to go a long way to ensure that their opinion creates some kind of impression. I'm talking about the rampaging gang gunning for what they call globalization.

What the heck is this globalization?
When it came out of the closet in the hey days of international socialism, it wasn't called globalization as we know it now. It was called 'internationalism' and it was supposedly the great antidote against what was derisively looked down as 'narrow' nationalism. The unrelenting argument against nationalism was that the Nazis under Hitler did what they did under the banner of nationalism. Conclusion - since Hitler was a nationalist, nationalism should be anathema for everyone.

So, be an internationalist or as it is called these days, globalist. And how can you be a globalist. Simple - don't express your love and respect for your country. Why? Because Hitler also showered love and praise for his country. Mind you, you shouldn't be doing what Hitler did; else, you'll branded a Fascist. On a lighter note, don't dare to ask 'well, Hitler also wore trousers, so should wearing trousers be avoided?' to escape being branded a fascist? There might come a time though when you'll turn heads by wearing trousers.

Looking back on the globalization saga

For Indians the first globalist to set foot here was Alexander of Macedon. He had to run for his life and died from a fatal wound he received near Multan while fighting one of the many Indian armies. Next it was Mahmud of Ghazni, a bandit chief of Turkic origin followed by scores of others. The floodgates opened the moment mutual animosities within the country blew out of proportion for the barbarian at the gates to notice and take advantage of.

They left the frontiers and shores of their homelands in search of loot and that was their only motivation, which isn't too different from what motivates thieves and robbers. From the barbaric Muslim globalist invaders to the more polished and sophistic
ated Western Europeans the only objective was their endless desire to dominate and loot as much and whatever they could lay their hands on. In the post independence era, they come in the guise of MNCs and mega banks and they're still as greedy as before.

'Liberal' leftists - the mercenaries within

Just as the hungry and greedy globalist gangs of the past would never have managed to win anywhere if they didn't find any support within the target countries, today's Western globalist corporations would also remain in the high seas and far from your shores if they don't receive any support from within your society. In most cases, such chinks in your armour are easy to find - they endorse everything the globalist thugs stand for. So, you'll find them pitching for MNCs even if they have to go against their own country.

They try to control the narrative of progress in their country's mass media. In India, Valentine's Day was used to push in the multi-billion dollar gifting industry spearheaded by Archies. The comic relief provided by Hindu vigilante groups like the Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and some others that tried to prevent Valentine's Day from being 'celebrated' also aided the market penetration strategy of these MNCs. I grew up in Shillong, an 80% Christian city in the NE India, and never knew about Valentine's Day till I went to Mumbai in the 1990s. 

The LGBT issue is another trivial issue that was twisted, moulded, and presented in a way to show that eunuchs are a part of the homosexual gang till the supreme court ruled that there's no comparison between the discrimination faced by the eunuchs and homosexuals. Only the god of love knows what market segment would have opened up if the homosexuals had their way. The Indian media is full of such globalist agents willing to make a dent into a new market for their masters.