25 September 2016

America's manifest destiny is the cause of death and destruction in Syria

Manifest destiny is the same as the lebensraum project of Nazi Germany and ironically the target is the same - Russia. It was the Russian quicksand where the lebensraum project drowned and it could suck in the manifest destiny project too. 

If you look Barrack Obama in the eye and ask him what made him to approve the selection of Saudi Arabia as the head of the United Nations Human Rights Council, he'll probably try one of his fast-eroding skills - a broad toothy grin followed by hyperbolic humour. It fooled an entire nation in his run up to the presidency of his country and it fooled a whole lot of folks all across the world. Obama is now in the lame duck leg of his tenure and probably doesn't give a damn whether this tragic joke of Saudi Arabia as the head of the UN Human Rights Council continues to raise questions about US approval for this tragicomedy.

The same Saudi Arabia is bombing the hell out of a small and weak neighboring country, Yemen. Why? Because Yemeni Shias are gaining ascendancy in that country. Have the newly ascendant Yemeni Shias harmed Saudi Arabia in any way? Hell, No. Now, is it as simple as that? Just because you don't like your neighbors and are close to influential sections of the US establishment, you reserve the right to bomb a smaller, weaker and poorer country like a psychopath going berserk? Hospitals, schools, residential areas - nothing seems to hold the Saudi junkies back. They continue to bomb any and every structure in Yemen like there's no tomorrow.

Yemen is to the south of Saudi Arabia. Now move north to Syria, which isn't really a neighbor of Saudi
Arabia, but finds itself at the wrong end of a policy, jointly formulated by NATO and CENTO, of which Saudi Arabia and Turkey is a vital part. That policy hasn't been explicitly spelt out by these powers but just like it is understood that Yemen is getting bombed because the Shias there are on the ascendancy, Syria is being destroyed because that country won't let the Saudis and Qataris take their gas pipeline through its territory and on to Turkey and western Europe. The Syrian regime is simply being loyal to their Russian allies, who finally came to the rescue of their ally.

So, why do the Saudis and Qataris want to build what appears to be a very expensive pipeline all the way to
western Europe? Well, it's a long story dating back to the days of 'manifest destiny' when the newly formed nation of USA gave itself the right to expand westwards till they reached lands end on the Pacific coast.
Today, one look at the handful of 'Indian reservations' across the US Midwest will explain the impact of this expansion on the natives of America, intriguingly referred to as 'Indians' even now. These poor souls in the reservations have been reduced to mere museum pieces for the rest of the world to see and understand what the western white world is capable of doing to those who stand in their way.  They are the only ones that ever used nuclear weapons, didn't they?

Manifest destiny achieved its stated objective back in the 19th century itself but by then America had become a world power and looked beyond the Pacific ocean in what seems to be its unstated manifest destiny - dominate the world. War after war followed till it was time for World War I and II, and then the Cold War. The US led West won that war with the disintegration of the Soviet Union while the ascendancy to power of Boris Yeltsin in Russia did make things easier for the West. The manifest destiny wolves in America were salivating at the prospect of grabbing vast chunks of Russia like the Nazi Germans, who wanted to grab endless stretches of Russian land for their lebensraum project.

But the goddamned Russians chose an ex-KGB officer as their leader and that complicated all the calculations of the manifest destiny pack. They had grabbed the whole of eastern Europe and brought it under NATO except Belarus and Ukraine. So the Ukrainian crisis was bankrolled by manifest destiny agents like George Soros. A Ukraine under NATO would get the manifest destiny pack right next door to the Russian heartland and the Russians knew that. They weren't going to allow that come hell or high water. They had kept a low profile for two decades and saw how Yugoslavia was torn up into pieces. They took the hint and didn't sit idle all this while; they regrouped and consolidated.

After the staging of the coup by racist Ukrainian neo-Nazis following anti-government protests, Russia made its move and shut out the neo-Nazis from Russian-dominated eastern Ukraine by sending in reinforcements and directly reunited Crimea with the Russian Federation which it claimed as a historic part of the country. This shook the manifest destiny gang right up to their foundations...wasn't Russia on it's knees after losing the Cold War? Wasn't Russia quiet when we tore up their ally Yugoslavia into shreds? Now they have dared to confront us, the almighty West?

They must pay for it...but how the heck will that happen? Western Europe is dependent on Russian gas for its energy. Is there a way out? Oh yes, there's a lot of gas in Saudi Arabia and Qatar if only it could be piped to western Europe? Where would the pipeline have to pass through from Arabia to western Europe? Jordanor Iraq, then Syria...damn it. Isn't that a Russian satellite state? Who's in charge there? A guy named Bashar Assad, who's very close to the Russians. Right then...get him! And this attempt to get Assad has turned Syria into the playground of death and destruction that we see today. Russia won't back out of Syria because its priorities are clear. The question is how far will the manifest destiny gang push Russia in Syria?

Clearly, they have lost one frontline ally, Turkey in this game as Turkey weighed its options and realized that if it came to confrontation with Russia, the manifest destiny gang would just dump it like a condom.
The jihadi savages are running away like mice even as Syrian forces under Assad keep regaining new territory every day.Within the US itself there's a substantial section of the population that wants to get real and get out of the manifest destiny devil worship and get even with the high priests of this cult - the US led western banking industry and MNCs.