03 August 2022

What are we going to do with our waste?

Heaven knows...as long as we just let it rot as waste, it won't be of any use to us. It reminds me of a wonderful title I came across on a brochure promoting an event in Mumbai, on waste management, in 2009 - WASTE IS NOT A WASTE TILL IT IS WASTED. I was given the job of proofreading the dummy copy before it went for printing. 

It will remain a loaded phrase for as long as we have waste in our planet or elsewhere in our universe and I've come to accept it as the mantra for waste management. I don't know where the brochure came from or why it ended up on my table but I'm thankful that I got to see it. So, hats off to whoever developed that wonderful line. 

Now, what are we going to do about the piles of waste lying everywhere in this country? I'm no expert of waste management nor am I a social scientist but I can see a couple of things right away when I think of the filthy 'wasteland' that my country has become. First, three-fourths of the visible waste everywhere seems to be plastic and second, we're a slack race that hasn't been able to rise to the level where it matters one bit, to us. Yet, I'm told that there are parts of the country where things are much better than where I live. I happen to be in Delhi NCR.

I've never been to Kerala or anywhere in the South, for that matter, except Hyderabad, for a couple of days where I didn't find time to see the Charminar! I didn't find Hyderabad too different from any of the other Indian cities I've been to. However, Kerala has been in the news for all the right reasons except for the unfortunate event when those paranoid Italian security guards ended up killing two of our fishermen, mistaking them for Somali pirates. Getting back to the point, Kerala boasts of a near cent percent literacy rate, near advanced economy HDI, a 50 billion USD+ temple treasure equivalent to or more than the state's total debt, to speak of a few.

Now, I hear that the state is pretty clean and green. Well, I have no doubt about the greenery as I've seen enough high resolution pictures of different parts of Kerala but when I heard about the comparatively better civic sense in Kerala, from more than one or two individuals who were from the north, I was pleasantly surprised. So, is it true? 

A part of India with one of the highest population densities, that has found a way to manage its waste? They call it 'God's own country' in the world of advertising and marketing and if Kerala has found a way to manage her waste, then it deserves every bit of this larger-than-life tagline.

I'm sure that a lot of people are already talking about the piles of unattended waste on our roadsides. I've also seen the lack of interest in our mainline mass media (TV and Print) to cover this issue in any way. If and when they do, they seem to do it with an air of nonchalance just as they would like to avoid covering everything in Kashmir that relates to ethnic cleansing of three quarters of a million Hindus who are now refugees in their own country. 

It's evident that plastic poly bags and packs are the main source of waste in India and the obvious first step is to ban them altogether, even if it means the loss of a few million jobs that are dependent on enterprises manufacturing such poly bags and packaging. We need to find ways to use this labour force to produce bio-degradable packaging material. The biggest hurdle in this endeavour - we're a slack race with no sense of our own priorities and will probably remain that way till kingdom come. 

Should We Worry About Thermal Paper Proliferation?

 Everywhere you go, from retail stores to movie theaters and from public transport vehicles to petrol pumps among others, the servicing personnel are eager to give you a receipt for the transactions you do. Any old timer with memories going back to the 70s, 80s and 90s would be pleasantly surprised by this new enthusiasm of point of sale (POS) personnel in giving away receipts for transactions. Moreover, the receipts are given away instantly, printed from compact, hand-held printers, a little larger than calculators. If the eagerness for transparency is admirable, the efficiency of instant bill generation is positively impressive. And yet, some folks refuse the receipts as if these are infectious objects.

Process of thermal printing
The paper used to print the receipts instantly, is known as thermal paper and the compact hand-held printer is a direct thermal printer. Contrary to conventional printing, here the printer doesn't use any consumables like ink, dye or ribbon; instead it uses heat to produce the print output or what we commonly refer to as printed matter. How? Well, as already mentioned, thermal paper has a chemical coating on the side where the printing takes place. When exposed to heat, it produces images or scribbles or whatever the heat exposure directs it to do.

On a thermal printer, the print head is designed to transfer heat in a controlled manner after being programmed to produce the desired print output. There is a small slot for a thermal paper roll, which is just about the size of a camera film reel, to fit into the printer. For the user, there can't be anything simpler since the thermal paper roll can slide into the slot just as easily as a camera film reel slides into a camera. This printer can be integrated to a large cash register or it can function as a standalone billing device. It's convenient and fast for both users and customers; so why are some folks skeptical? 

Hazardous chemical coating on the receipts
The controversy surrounding the thermal paper receipts is related to Bisphenol-A, a supposedly hazardous chemical compound, about which, opinion is divided among the experts. Some proclaim it to be hazardous, while others don't. However, the debate still hasn't gained traction in the mass media on a scale that could make everyone conscious about any issue with the compound, at least here in India. Understandably, it has not been long that thermal paper has been in use in India on any meaningful scale and so, awareness about it's likely hazards is not there, as much as it is elsewhere.

While the debate rages on, it would be naive to just overlook the possible hazards to humans, of direct exposure to thermal paper. It functions as a color developer in thermal paper, where it is present as 'free' and in non-polymerized state, which is supposedly more hazardous than when it is present on plastic and polymer products. In this 'free' state, humans exposed to BPA run the risk of absorbing it through their skins. Now, that's surely worrying although those arguing against the existence of any such risk put forth their own views about BPA on thermal paper. The likely outcome is rather serious - cancer, lung and kidney infection among other worrisome conditions.

As an end user and a customer, who likes convenience and efficiency, I would not like to let go off the thermal paper printer that the retail store or petrol pump personnel use. However, I can't overlook the fact that many countries have banned the use of BPA in all forms. Here in India, we are on a growth path with many retail segments going through sustained periods of boom; we need the efficiency to sustain that boom. The debate on BPA in India is as good as absent and it's not surprising. We still live hazardous lives - drive like maniacs on the roads, are oblivious to product adulteration and generally don't understand a whole lot of risks. Seems BPA is going to be with us for some more time. 

It's High Time Indian Politicians Got Their Dressing Right

 A couple of years ago we heard the phrase “suit boot ki sarkar” being used as a jibe by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to score brownie points over rival, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). So, what was the brownie point he wanted to score? It is the perception that the vast majority of the Indian people dislike the affluent folks who like to dress up in suits and boots.

Why? Because this vast majority are supposedly poor rural folks who hardly have anything to wear other than the loin cloth that MK Gandhi used to wear. But is that true? I don’t think so. Today, if you look at the average individual on the street, male or female, they are invariably young and hardly look more than 30 years of age. They all turn up in western outfits such as shirt and trousers or jeans.
Strangely enough, Indian politicians, irrespective of whether they are young or old, BJP or Congress or any other party, seem to share Gandhi’s perception that the bulk of the country’s people don’t like politicians who dress up in western outfit. That explains why all these politicians dress up in white kurta and churidar or pyjama, which instead of helping them align with the attire of common folks, actually mark them out as a different species altogether. So, in India, if you are a politician in northern India, you wear white knee-length kurta with pyjamas or churidar.
And if you are a politician in southern India, you wear white shirt and white dhoti wrapped around, lungi style.
Interestingly, 90% of the crowd they interact with, turn up in western style shirts or T-shirts along with trousers or jeans. So, what are these politicians trying to prove to the common people? Are they trying to tell them that only those who dress up in these ethnic outfits have the right to be political leaders in India? Or are they trying to tell the common folks that wearing ethnic outfit reflects simplicity and purity, which MK Gandhi, whom many consider the “Father of the Nation”, had preached? Now, there’s no harm in wearing ethnic attire but you can’t force people to wear them against their will. Neither can you build an ‘Old Boy’s Club’ of folks who wear ethnic attire and stonewall the rest, just because those folks wear western outfit. 

If wearing ethnic outfit is a non-negotiable virtue then why don’t the government servants like civil service officers, police personnel, military personnel, banking service personnel, etc. wear these ethnic outfit? How about asking the army personnel posted in the Himalayan frontier, to wear white ethnic outfit since the “Father of the Nation” had said it reflected purity and simplicity? Honestly, I think our politicians have become caricatures of a different world with which the common man doesn’t connect. They want to be seen as ‘pure and simple’ folks dressed in white ethnic clothing but they also want people to dive to their feet the moment they step down from their expensive super luxury vehicles. Whom are they trying to fool? 
It’s time for our leaders to gradually start filtering out the extravagant nonsense in the name of simplicity and purity and get closer to the people, dressed like the common man, in simple shirt and trouser. It’s not my place to talk about how the women leaders ought to dress up but like the women in the military and police, let them also make their adjustments if they feel it is necessary. The women leaders anyway don’t stand out as separate caricatures amongst the women crowd they interact with. It’s our male leaders who need to get real and get closer to the man on the street. Leave the ethnic wear for special occasions like cultural festivities, etc. For business, get down to shirt and trouser. That’s what the common man in India wears – in the urban, suburban or rural areas.

03 July 2020

Where Make in India Failed Will Atma-Nirbhar Bharat Succeed?

The failure of the 'Make in India' program during Prime Minister Modi's first term is something that
Image Source - IndiaTVNews
many supporters of the BJP and the government of the day wasn't able to understand and also felt very embarrassed about. True, there were no scandals or scams so far in either Modi 1.0 or 2.0 but it's also true that Make in India didn't succeed. One might ask - what is Make in India after all and why is it so important in relation to the BJP in general and Modi in particular? Well, it was Modi who came up with this initiative which aimed to make India a true rival of China in terms of manufacturing capacity and productivity. You could almost always hear him speak about it everywhere with the tell-tale image of the lion made up of industrial gear wheels.

Objective of Make in India initiative

When you speak of making in India to compete with the global manufacturing powerhouse, China, it's all about doing it in massive scale involving, tens of billions of dollars in foreign investment, tens of millions of jobs for Indians and hundreds of billions of dollars in revenues for the Indian economy. There's no doubt that it was well-intended by a nationalist and patriotic party led by a charismatic leader. If it would have met just a partial success rate of just 40%, the BJP would have had enough gunpowder to blow the opposition's sadistic criticism to pieces. Unfortunately, the failure of the Make in India program is one subject that BJP rank and file is embarrassed to talk about today.

Image Source - Wikimedia
Actual situation on the ground 
The Chinese had gained control of about 70% of the smartphone market in India, the second largest in the world and accounted for well over USD 5 billion of this market. Just imagine the number of jobs this market would have created in China in all these years! We don't even hear about Samsung these days in India, let alone other non-Chinese and Indian brands we had known till about 4 years ago. As a BJP voter, I find it unbelievable that the Chinese smartphone oligarchies took over this huge Indian market with the BJP in power, going around talking BIG about Make in India! How on earth did the BJP allow that?? And what in Heaven's name were they trying to achieve by bringing the Chinese into the Indian market in this manner?? Is it any wonder that a great initiative like Make in India couldn't succeed? It was meant to be achieved with local Indian enterprise but weirdly enough, Indian local interests were sidestepped in favour of the Chinese of all people! The leaders in BJP taking such decisions must not take the nationalist and patriotic voters for granted.

Chinese are almost everywhere in our market

It's embarrasing to hear that over 80% of Holi and Diwali merchandise comes from China and the percentage increased exponentially in just the last 5 years or so - corresponding to the Modi government's first tenure. Not just that, 80% of the electronic and electrical components used by the PSU BSNL comes from China and again, this figure grew exponentially in just the last 5 years! The Chinese are picking up civil infrastructure and plum railway contracts right, left and centre. They literally control the fast-growing digital signage industry in India. I can go on endlessly but I must say that I find Modi's ignorance about Chinese intentions ridiculously unbelievable. Even if he had been advised wrongly, he should have considered the lessons of history before plunging into this whirlpool of stupidity. His 'jhoola' diplomacy in Ahmedabad, garden path diplomacy in Wuhan and 'dhoti' diplomacy in Mahabalipuram now appear as stupid as the 'Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai' diplomacy of Nehru. Luck though, is on Modi's side for now.

Image Source - Wall Street Journal 
Chinese goof up; Modi gets a chance to resurrect

Out of the blue, it appears that good fortune began shining on Modi - China loses composure in the face of worldwide Covid criticism and kicks up unnecessary dirt on the line of actual control (LAC), the de facto border with India. The situation temporarily goes out of China's hands as India reacts very strongly with multiple fatalities on either side resulting from hand-to-hand combat between Indian and Chinese troops on the LAC. China gets the worse of the exchange as it suffers more than double the fatalities than India. In other words, it got a bloody nose and suffered loss of prestige internationally. China just shot its own feet. World powers have stood up behind India and anti-China sentiments have reached a cresendo across India. The Chinese have just given Modi the BIG clue he was looking for!

Image Source - The Print/ANI 
Atma-Nirbhar Bharat - the new holy grail
It's true that Modi had been talking about Atma-Nirbhar (self-reliant) Bharat or Self-Reliant India ever since the early days of the Covid lockdown around March 2020. But it was little more than a slogan like Make in India and it lacked the rocket booster power needed to make it a reality till the Chinese offered the clue on a platter to Modi. Their creeping-crawlie encroachments on the LAC came up against Indian boots on the ground that led to the bloody skirmish. Following that there's nationawide anti-Chinese sentiment across India and we now see with horror how far deep into the Indian economy, the Chinese had made inroads. If this had gone on unchecked for another decade, the Chinese would have wrecked India's economy. Now, as sector after sector of the Indian economy are kicking the Chinese out, Modi goes into action mode with a windfall of benefits for local Indian businesses that had been reduced to function as petty sales agents of the Chinese till now.

Image Source - GroundReport
One last word of caution for Modi
We can very well see that he's making the course correction and he can rest assured that the nationalist voters won't ever seek retribution from him for this massive error if he stays on course. If there's anything that Modi must learn from the Chinese about self-sufficiency, it is that he must go out of his way to subsidize local manufacturers. Merely making high-sounding declarations like 'vocal for local' will be useless till there's action on the ground. If he's ready to accept that his China policy was responsible for the failure of Make in India, then he will be able to make amends with the Atma-Nirbhar Bharat program. Yes, he needs to be vocal for local but he must lay out the red carpet for local manufacturers just as he had been doing for foreign investors, especially the Chinese. This is a golden chance the Chinese have handed to him on a platter. He should now grab the dragon by its tail and hurl it so far away that it loses itself for generations.

25 September 2016

America's manifest destiny is the cause of death and destruction in Syria

Manifest destiny is the same as the lebensraum project of Nazi Germany and ironically the target is the same - Russia. It was the Russian quicksand where the lebensraum project drowned and it could suck in the manifest destiny project too. 

If you look Barrack Obama in the eye and ask him what made him to approve the selection of Saudi Arabia as the head of the United Nations Human Rights Council, he'll probably try one of his fast-eroding skills - a broad toothy grin followed by hyperbolic humour. It fooled an entire nation in his run up to the presidency of his country and it fooled a whole lot of folks all across the world. Obama is now in the lame duck leg of his tenure and probably doesn't give a damn whether this tragic joke of Saudi Arabia as the head of the UN Human Rights Council continues to raise questions about US approval for this tragicomedy.

The same Saudi Arabia is bombing the hell out of a small and weak neighboring country, Yemen. Why? Because Yemeni Shias are gaining ascendancy in that country. Have the newly ascendant Yemeni Shias harmed Saudi Arabia in any way? Hell, No. Now, is it as simple as that? Just because you don't like your neighbors and are close to influential sections of the US establishment, you reserve the right to bomb a smaller, weaker and poorer country like a psychopath going berserk? Hospitals, schools, residential areas - nothing seems to hold the Saudi junkies back. They continue to bomb any and every structure in Yemen like there's no tomorrow.

Yemen is to the south of Saudi Arabia. Now move north to Syria, which isn't really a neighbor of Saudi
Arabia, but finds itself at the wrong end of a policy, jointly formulated by NATO and CENTO, of which Saudi Arabia and Turkey is a vital part. That policy hasn't been explicitly spelt out by these powers but just like it is understood that Yemen is getting bombed because the Shias there are on the ascendancy, Syria is being destroyed because that country won't let the Saudis and Qataris take their gas pipeline through its territory and on to Turkey and western Europe. The Syrian regime is simply being loyal to their Russian allies, who finally came to the rescue of their ally.

So, why do the Saudis and Qataris want to build what appears to be a very expensive pipeline all the way to
western Europe? Well, it's a long story dating back to the days of 'manifest destiny' when the newly formed nation of USA gave itself the right to expand westwards till they reached lands end on the Pacific coast.
Today, one look at the handful of 'Indian reservations' across the US Midwest will explain the impact of this expansion on the natives of America, intriguingly referred to as 'Indians' even now. These poor souls in the reservations have been reduced to mere museum pieces for the rest of the world to see and understand what the western white world is capable of doing to those who stand in their way.  They are the only ones that ever used nuclear weapons, didn't they?

Manifest destiny achieved its stated objective back in the 19th century itself but by then America had become a world power and looked beyond the Pacific ocean in what seems to be its unstated manifest destiny - dominate the world. War after war followed till it was time for World War I and II, and then the Cold War. The US led West won that war with the disintegration of the Soviet Union while the ascendancy to power of Boris Yeltsin in Russia did make things easier for the West. The manifest destiny wolves in America were salivating at the prospect of grabbing vast chunks of Russia like the Nazi Germans, who wanted to grab endless stretches of Russian land for their lebensraum project.

But the goddamned Russians chose an ex-KGB officer as their leader and that complicated all the calculations of the manifest destiny pack. They had grabbed the whole of eastern Europe and brought it under NATO except Belarus and Ukraine. So the Ukrainian crisis was bankrolled by manifest destiny agents like George Soros. A Ukraine under NATO would get the manifest destiny pack right next door to the Russian heartland and the Russians knew that. They weren't going to allow that come hell or high water. They had kept a low profile for two decades and saw how Yugoslavia was torn up into pieces. They took the hint and didn't sit idle all this while; they regrouped and consolidated.

After the staging of the coup by racist Ukrainian neo-Nazis following anti-government protests, Russia made its move and shut out the neo-Nazis from Russian-dominated eastern Ukraine by sending in reinforcements and directly reunited Crimea with the Russian Federation which it claimed as a historic part of the country. This shook the manifest destiny gang right up to their foundations...wasn't Russia on it's knees after losing the Cold War? Wasn't Russia quiet when we tore up their ally Yugoslavia into shreds? Now they have dared to confront us, the almighty West?

They must pay for it...but how the heck will that happen? Western Europe is dependent on Russian gas for its energy. Is there a way out? Oh yes, there's a lot of gas in Saudi Arabia and Qatar if only it could be piped to western Europe? Where would the pipeline have to pass through from Arabia to western Europe? Jordanor Iraq, then Syria...damn it. Isn't that a Russian satellite state? Who's in charge there? A guy named Bashar Assad, who's very close to the Russians. Right then...get him! And this attempt to get Assad has turned Syria into the playground of death and destruction that we see today. Russia won't back out of Syria because its priorities are clear. The question is how far will the manifest destiny gang push Russia in Syria?

Clearly, they have lost one frontline ally, Turkey in this game as Turkey weighed its options and realized that if it came to confrontation with Russia, the manifest destiny gang would just dump it like a condom.
The jihadi savages are running away like mice even as Syrian forces under Assad keep regaining new territory every day.Within the US itself there's a substantial section of the population that wants to get real and get out of the manifest destiny devil worship and get even with the high priests of this cult - the US led western banking industry and MNCs.

07 August 2016

Left, Right, Left...Where on Earth is the March of Globalization headed?

If you thought just politicians make strange bedfellows, you're missing the big picture. These days, just about every third individual on the street makes a strange bedfellow for a whole lot of folks who consider themselves to be the end of all wisdom. They're a highly opinionated lot and they are ready to go a long way to ensure that their opinion creates some kind of impression. I'm talking about the rampaging gang gunning for what they call globalization.

What the heck is this globalization?
When it came out of the closet in the hey days of international socialism, it wasn't called globalization as we know it now. It was called 'internationalism' and it was supposedly the great antidote against what was derisively looked down as 'narrow' nationalism. The unrelenting argument against nationalism was that the Nazis under Hitler did what they did under the banner of nationalism. Conclusion - since Hitler was a nationalist, nationalism should be anathema for everyone.

So, be an internationalist or as it is called these days, globalist. And how can you be a globalist. Simple - don't express your love and respect for your country. Why? Because Hitler also showered love and praise for his country. Mind you, you shouldn't be doing what Hitler did; else, you'll branded a Fascist. On a lighter note, don't dare to ask 'well, Hitler also wore trousers, so should wearing trousers be avoided?' to escape being branded a fascist? There might come a time though when you'll turn heads by wearing trousers.

Looking back on the globalization saga

For Indians the first globalist to set foot here was Alexander of Macedon. He had to run for his life and died from a fatal wound he received near Multan while fighting one of the many Indian armies. Next it was Mahmud of Ghazni, a bandit chief of Turkic origin followed by scores of others. The floodgates opened the moment mutual animosities within the country blew out of proportion for the barbarian at the gates to notice and take advantage of.

They left the frontiers and shores of their homelands in search of loot and that was their only motivation, which isn't too different from what motivates thieves and robbers. From the barbaric Muslim globalist invaders to the more polished and sophistic
ated Western Europeans the only objective was their endless desire to dominate and loot as much and whatever they could lay their hands on. In the post independence era, they come in the guise of MNCs and mega banks and they're still as greedy as before.

'Liberal' leftists - the mercenaries within

Just as the hungry and greedy globalist gangs of the past would never have managed to win anywhere if they didn't find any support within the target countries, today's Western globalist corporations would also remain in the high seas and far from your shores if they don't receive any support from within your society. In most cases, such chinks in your armour are easy to find - they endorse everything the globalist thugs stand for. So, you'll find them pitching for MNCs even if they have to go against their own country.

They try to control the narrative of progress in their country's mass media. In India, Valentine's Day was used to push in the multi-billion dollar gifting industry spearheaded by Archies. The comic relief provided by Hindu vigilante groups like the Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and some others that tried to prevent Valentine's Day from being 'celebrated' also aided the market penetration strategy of these MNCs. I grew up in Shillong, an 80% Christian city in the NE India, and never knew about Valentine's Day till I went to Mumbai in the 1990s. 

The LGBT issue is another trivial issue that was twisted, moulded, and presented in a way to show that eunuchs are a part of the homosexual gang till the supreme court ruled that there's no comparison between the discrimination faced by the eunuchs and homosexuals. Only the god of love knows what market segment would have opened up if the homosexuals had their way. The Indian media is full of such globalist agents willing to make a dent into a new market for their masters.

20 May 2015

Managing and Leading Change in Organizations

A review of the sustainability of organizational development and change initiated by the management.

‘Change is the only constant in life’ or so, said an ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, ages ago in the fifth century B.C.
That maxim holds good even today and will probably continue to hold good in the future as well. When we consider a business and its sustainability, change is the predominant feature that is evident. Much like an individual, an organization is also born, goes through a difficult process of survival during the initial years and then goes on to fulfill its potential and in many cases, exceed it. What makes that possible is the organizational leadership’s willingness and ability to accept change and act accordingly among others.

Every organization works within a broad niche and acquires a certain percentage of the market it operates in. Over a period of time, it either becomes the market leader or one of the top players in its niche. There is no way this can happen without a lot of effort and sense of purpose which are virtues that only the leaders of the organization can visualize and implement. In a competitive market, there is a constant pressure on the competitors to not just hold on to their respective market shares but also to grab additional market share, which is possible only when they appreciate the rules of adaptation and change in such a competitive environment.

Backward integration

One common feature in most growing companies is the prevalence of a strategy called backward integration. It’s nothing but increasing the footprint of the organization within the larger niche. For instance, when FedEx, the logistics major, decided to purchase RPS, it had the fast turnaround local shipping business in mind. This was nothing but integration backwards to enlarge organizational footprint as the FedEx management felt the need to change their approach toward small local shipments in the age of ecommerce which will control a substantial part of global logistics business in future. They knew they had to do it to sustain their business.

Backward integration is the first major decision for any successful business that has managed to come out of a difficult initial period. It is also the first major change in the approach of the said business as it begins to see the growth opportunities more positively and optimistically. However, an aggressive company could use backward integration as a tool to gain monopoly in the niche, which is not an ideal situation according to most people. These situations lead to hostile takeovers that in turn, cause uncalled for turbulence in the stock markets.

Use of green energy

We are in the era of ‘carbon credits’ which certify companies adopting different strategies aimed at environment protection and use of renewable sources of energy. This transition is not easy for a huge establishment to perform but willingness and ability of the organizational leadership often makes it possible. For massive organizations used to cheaper and more easily available energy from hydrocarbons and smokestacks, such radical shifts to green energy can earn them massive carbon credits in the form of subsidies and easier bankrolling.

To observers watching the organization from the outside, this might appear to be an easy decision, given the strong logic behind going green. However, for those running the business, it is a decision that can only be taken after going into painstaking details about how to replace the conventional sources of energy with green energy resources. Such decisions can make or break their organizations as well as their careers but if the leadership has the willingness and ability as well as the reasons to go green, nothing can stop them from making the change.

Ethical sourcing of products

In the fast evolving global economy, product sourcing is becoming increasingly localized. Many fast growing third world economies are building up huge export surpluses in their trade with western countries but there is also an intriguing side to their trading practices. In many of these third world economies there is rampant use of child labor to produce goods that are eventually exported to the West. Exposure of such dubious trade practices by volunteer organizations has caused the necessary outrage but for the sourcing company it is a new challenge and ideal to live with.

For a retailing company making huge profits through the sale of products it imports from a third world supplier that uses child labor, it’s difficult to put a stop to all such supplies overnight; more so, if the law hasn’t yet caught up with what’s going on. In such a situation, if the management can rise above petty commercial considerations and proactively decide to stop sourcing products from suppliers who use child labor, it would not just be a welcome change but will indicate high ethical standards and win the business a lot of market goodwill.

Change for the sake of change most often doesn’t make business sense. For instance, if an airline company decides to hire only former models as its in-flight crew just to make news and win headlines, and eventually price their tickets way above the prevailing market rates, it will prove to be a loss-making proposition before long. In course of time the business might end up in unacceptable losses and shut down. To begin with, the former models would only be available at much higher wages than the average flight steward, thereby pushing up the cost unnecessarily.

A look into the histories of most successful business conglomerates would show that their leaderships made the right decisions to bring in the right changes at the right time in most cases. The standard that we get to see most often is that a growing organization marches ahead on a few niches simultaneously; the company’s flagship business which operates on one of the niches, might not remain so after a couple of decades when another business in a sub-niche might take over. Far sighted leaders begin work on this kind of long term change years in advance as they are able to see the opportunities in the horizon better.